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Gurin Ceramic Tourmaline Flat Iron Hair Straightener

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Gurin Ceramic Tourmaline Flat Iron Hair StraightenerCeramic Tourmaline Flat Iron Hair Straightener is great for transforming the dull, frizzy and unruly locks into a very silky, ultra soft mane. The Gurin Ceramic Tourmaline Flat Iron Hair Straightener features every small to big thing you can see in a hair styler. It can turn your hair into the luscious style which is not just perfect, but it looks gorgeous. The heat temperature in it is adjustable, making it protect your hair even more. You can straighten your hair or you can also curl them, which make your hair look luscious and as always pretty and gorgeous. This product is perfect for almost all hair types.


Straighten, flip and curl your hair
Adjustable temperature from 240F to 450F (120C - 220C) to suit all hair types
Ceramic/tourmaline plates create a shinier, silkier finish in lesser time
1 inch plate width, wide enough for any hair length and hair types, yet narrow enough for bangs
Transform frizzy, dull hair into gorgeous straight, sleek locks

Price: 12,95 USD


Contact person: Santamedical
Phone: + 1 888-666-1557

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