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Gurin Professional Touch Digital Kitchen Scale

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Gurin Professional Touch Digital Kitchen ScaleProfessional Touch Digital Kitchen Scale is a highly advanced kitchen scales. The unit has not one but four precision GFX latest generation sensors which deliver high accuracy and the response time is very quick for coping up with the fast pace kitchens. The unit has a large lit display that adds to the beautiful and notable features of the reflective black surface that is made using the tempered glass of high quality. The tempered glass is four times stronger than the normal glass. The digital scale contains the two buttons that are touch sensitive and they make the use of touch digital scale that is easy to use and simple.


Features advanced touch sensitive buttons for easy operation
Boasts a tempered glass surface in reflective black that is 4 times stronger than normal glass, and an award-winning thin design
Equipped with 4 new high precision GFX sensors for accurate measurements from 0.05 Oz. To 12 lbs. 10.8 Oz. (1 gram to 5750 grams)
Precision tare calculates the net weight of ingredients
Includes 2 lithium batteries and an easy access battery compartment (no screwdriver needed)

Price: 19,95 USD


Contact person: Santamedical
Phone: + 1 888-666-1557

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