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Gurin Face and Body Ultra Cleansing Facial Brush

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Gurin Face and Body Ultra Cleansing Facial BrushFace and Body Ultra Cleansing Brush System is the microdermabrasion rotating system for body and face cleaning. This system helps in keeping your skin look ever young and glowing and even more vibrant. The face and body SPA system of cleaning uses the rotating brush in order to keep the skin look healthy and young. The microdermabrasion spinning head helps in removing the dirt and oil that is embedded and that results in a more beautiful and a healthier looking skin. The product is great for almost all skin types and that includes the sensitive skin such as the acne and rosacea.


Rotating facial brush for deep cleansing & exfoliating, Waterproof, convenient for use in bath time
Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by deeply cleaning pores and extracting bacterial,
Exfoliates and cleanses the pores of leftover make-up and ensure clean skin from head to toes, Uses 4 "AA" batteries.
Aids in clearing of skin and product absorption, Can be used with facial emulsion, hand-washing cream and foot-cleaning products.
Includes 4 attachements: Facial Sponge(Perfect for Sensitive Skin and Can also be used to apply foundation/lotion/serum evenly), Small Facial Brush(deep cleaning)Big Body Brush(exfoliate and preps the body for lotion), Pumice Stone(gently remove calluses and dead skin)

Price: 12,95 USD


Contact person: Santamedical
Phone: + 1 888-666-1557

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